March 27, 2023


 Whether you intend to use Facebook for business or personal use, you’ll need to be a bio for your Facebook profile or page.  Cool bios and even funny Facebook bio goes a long way to showing an element of your personality or business.  Funny quotes are an ideal way to go. Have difficulty getting on with your own? No worries. We have some cool ideas for you below.

  • Time flies. Hit the snooze button.
  • Many call me “Mike, but tonight you should call me;) Stop being in the rat race and start enjoying your life.
  • I changed my Wi-Fi password yesterday to “hackitifyoucan” Somebody changed it to “accepted challenge” today.
  • F&*@k you. My last thought ahead of other decisions.
  • Telephones are better than women. We can turn them off, at least.
  • I say no to the alcohol every day. They just don’t listen.
  • I need a six month leave period, twice a year.
  • If you’re living, it’s just about screwing up and getting pounded out, then congratulations that you’re an instrument.
  • If chance doesn’t knock, build a door.
  • I love time limits. I like those whooshing sounds that they make when they pass by.
  • A nomad on his search for the ultimate burger.
  • Registered percussionist.
  • I’m not a player, that’s a game.
  • Still give you 100% if you make a blood donation.
  • Life is too short to get my Instagram profile changed.
  • Life is too short, don’t waste reading my Bio from Instagram.
  • Error: Bio unavailable   
  • I can do it with my eyes closed while I am sleeping so well.
  • If the morning starts at noon, I am certainly a morning person.
  • I am holding the key to world peace, but someone has changed the lock!
  • I think I am cool, that’s all that’s necessary.
  • Lead me, join me, or exit my path
  • I’m hoping to be an old man with an old woman who laughs at the same wild youth stories.
  • I’m so young that they call me Febreze 
  • The path to success is still under construction.
  • Feed, sleep, regret, repeat.
  • I’m here on Facebook to stop friends.
  • Probably the World’s Best Meat Eater.
  • Yet another survivor on papercut.
  • Instagram bio is loading. I just want to be special, like everyone else.
  • A man of mystery and might whose strength is only surpassed by his mystery.
  • Insert pretentious stuff about me here.
  • Live with myself Vicariously.
  • Once upon a time, a machine beat me on a chess, but at kickboxing, it was not a match for me.
  • A way of life that depends on caffeine.
  • I would rather be despised for who I am, rather than love for who I am not.
  • I feel like it’s me. I am beautiful or disgusting, depending on how a judge is made.
  • It is me who is the greatest competitor. I’m not looking to follow or put down anyone. I intend to check my own boundaries.
  • I am what I am. Personality is the personal property original to it.

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Facebook Bio